Saturday, January 31, 2009


January's last bit of light...

When I originally took this picture I just wanted to capture the cloud. While creating the title for my post I then realized what day it was - the last day of January. I felt a photo capturing the end of today would be the perfect photo for the end of the month. When I began photographing the sunset, I had included the horizon. I then decided to focus on just the cloud because I loved the shape. (This is what had drawn me to it in the first place.)

As I reflect back on my first month of photos, I am proud to say that I made everyday! There were a couple that were close. They say that it takes doing something at least 30 times before it becomes a habit. I'm not sure how accurate this theory is...I have actually proven it wrong on several occassions. I will have to say that I have enjoyed the challenge. It seems that I've caputured images of things that before I wouldn't have taken the time to photograph. I'm looking forward to going to some other locations. My commute is so short that there's not much variety.


  1. Too funny! I was running down the street earlier taking pictures of the light and clouds as well. I went with a different photo today, though. Very nice!

  2. I didn't realize that you also lived in CO. My husband and I went to college at CSU...we loved Ft. Collins. You may have seen the same cloud!

  3. I like that photo!! Curious formation. I think you have a bit different light on your clouds than we do out here because of the mountains.
