Friday, June 5, 2009

Orpheus Island - Australia

I just wanted to share a few pictures from our day on Orpheus Island. I didn't have my underwater camera housing, so everything is topside.

This was one of the days I was really looking forward to. It was the day that I could share a whole new world with my students - the underwater world. If you know me, you know I love scuba diving...the jury was out on snorkeling. I did enjoy our time in the water yesterday, but I think I will stick with diving.

The kids did an amazing job as scientists collecting all of their fish behavior and reef condition data. Is was fun watching them trying to keep track of one specific fish while counting the number of times it bit coral.

I learned that it's very hard to laugh with a snorkel in your mouth.  Mrs. McGuire and I were buddies and she got VERY excited about some of the fish we saw.

Hanging out at the beach during sunset and finally getting to see some of the gorgeous Southern Hemisphere sky was another highlight of our trip to Orpheus Island.

Today we left the island and returned to HQ Aquarium where we were able to analyze our data.  It was great to see all the information our group collected in tables and charts.  This experience really gave students an opportunity to put their math and science skills to work.  (We even did some graphing with bug bites and coral cuts!)  I think there may be a few future marine biologists in the group.
I echo Mrs. McGuire - I really hope all of these students realize what an amazing opportunity this has been.  Looking back over the photos we've taken, I can't believe all of the absolutely amazing things we have done over the last 12 days - it's incredible.  We will be sad to leave Australia behind, but we are anxious to get back home to our families.

1 comment:

  1. No underwater housing along? Hmmmm, sounds like another trip will have to be taken to Orpheus Island, with your regular dive buddy and scuba gear in tow. :)
    Great photos and they are above water! Glad there was a visible sun setting while you were there.
